I Love Penguins.

Currently wearing: Gray tank top.
Currently listening to: Imma Be – Black Eyed Peas
Currently drinking: Grapefruit juice.
Currently feeling: RAAAAdifjlgksdjkg

Today I went to the zoo! The best day to go is on the cold rainy days because NO ONE IS THERE. Sure all the animals are soggy and cold, but they are still there and I think they like the company.
I also had the best taco bell that I can remember.

So this job thing is getting weird. I called the lady and left her a voicemail saying I was not interested in a photography internship, but I was still available for the student assistant job that I applied for. That was Friday morning, and I still haven’t heard back from her. I’m getting nervous. I just don’t want to have to go look for another job, especially since this one sounds so perfect for my situation.

3 Tell Me Things!:

jessmcfadden said...

lololol nice comment invitation! lovin' the pictures.

CRUNKRacoon said...

At first I thought the turtle was a seat...then I realized...yeah.

Hannah Alaizabeth said...

ring-tailed lemurs= outdatedinternetlessthanthreeheart

you= myfullattentionandlove
